8-ball pool

I suck at 8-ball pool, but damn it's fun!

Allie, trying to style a bit for fun...
...and then the surprise when you actually succeed!


photo: casa de caisa via instagram
I stopped by American Apparel yesterday and came out with these three nail polishes.
Super excited for the glitter ones! 

Photos of the results are in order.


Sparkle Palace Cocktail Table

Photos via & via 
... I am speachless. 

This beautiful handmade sculpture is designed by the amazing John Foster. 
With it's uniqueness, shapes, colors and the way it sparkles on the walls - I am in L-O-V-E!



via livethemma.ikea.se
This is so me. This is how my apartment should look like. I LOVE light chains!


This is how I sum up my life these days - 
work, coffee, work, coffee, a little fun, coffee, work, nail art.

outline / border

For a couple of weeks ago I saw this new, cool nail design that I just had to try myself! 
Naturally my end results didn't really get as sharp but it turned out pretty decent, I think. I just have to practice to get the lines thin and sharp. Almost there.

Interior love from airbnb

Fun, colorful, stylish, chesterfield.
Airy, minimalistic, huge windows, white, white, white.
Brick wall, loft, art.
All images via airbnb.

Have fun & enjoy!


Today I have:

baked bread 
painted my nails
braided my hair
eaten chocolate

old vs. New!

My old D60 and my new D700. 
We shall not even attempt to compare these cameras, haha.